Eryn O’Neill - Ottawa Entrepreneur

Eryn O’Neill is a very accomplished and talented Ottawa local artist

With a Masters in Fine Art and many solo exhibitions to her credit, Eryn's recent work has been exploring urbanscapes, Desire Paths and obstructing construction. Her paintings have a dark rich palette, mixed with really cool textures and graphic compositions.

I’ve followed Eryn on social media for a while now and have been impressed by her consistent and positive approach in regards to her social marketing. As a fine art painter, she not only markets her work but also her creative profile and brand.

After the photoshoot, I asked Eryn to share some advice with others.

Q. “As we continue to move into 2020 and based on your experience as a successful creative entrepreneur, what advice and/or insights would you share with other entrepreneurs and artists?”

A: “As an Artist I have learned the importance of community and support. This comes in many forms, and it makes you appreciate the time and energy that people put into less conventional careers, the years of unseen and seemingly effortless skills. It’s a privilege to share what you do with others, and to celebrate the dedication to your career.”

Thanks so much Eryn!
