If you’re interested in scheduling a personal branding session with us, we’d love to learn more about you. Once we have more information regarding your photography needs, we can the provide you with a detailed price proposal.

Thanks so much for your interest in our professional photography. Once your info has been submitted, we’ll be back to you shortly via email to start the conversation.

Please call us at 613 290-5737, if you need more information sooner.


“The care and focus that your collaboration brings, are such a treat to experience! Keep up the great work...together!” MIKE TOBIN: Bilingual Voice Actor

“What a great experience with Dwayne Brown and Anita Ruivo! Your teamwork is remarkable and produces excellent and creative results.”

HÉLÈNE HAMILTON: Coach Exécutive / Executive Coach

“Many thanks to you both for your artistry, efficiency, and professionalism; it is such a pleasure working with you.”

ANOUSH F. TERJANIAN, PHD: Vice-doyenne adjointe, Partenariats et Réseaux de recherche. Faculté des Sciences sociales, University of Ottawa.