We all love familiarity. But creativity loves the opposite, or at least I find it thrives on it. As a photographer, I have my familiar tools and consistent approaches that I use in my corporate work. But it’s always fun and creatively helpful to venture down a road less traveled or even better, one you’ve never experienced.
Yesterday, Jennifer and I went on a post-Christmas ‘photodrive’ and we took the Jeep down a few roads we’ve never driven before. It reminded me just how good it is for the eye to experience newness. It really helps to open the mind, which always helps to create cool imagery. This concept of experiencing newness or the unknown is also so helpful with other things in life. It’s how we try new foods, experience new travel destinations or even meet new people. For me though, it keeps my photography interestingly fun and my business always moving forward. Ask any entrepreneur or creative professional - they all do their best work when exploring the road less traveled!
© Dwayne Brown Studio