Adrian Salamunovic - Ottawa Entrepreneur

As we step into 2020, we’re proud to present the first portrait in our Ottawa Entrepreneurs series, highlighting Adrian Salamunovic.

Adrian has founded several companies and initiatives including DNA 11 and CanvasPop. He’s also mentored countless individuals and he’s a strategic advisor to several North American companies. Adrian has recently co-authoured the Amazon #1 bestselling book 'FREE PR’. To complement these accomplishments, Adrian is always generous to share ideas and inspiration, as well as offering to connect other entrepreneurs with the right people. 

After our shoot, we asked Adrian if he’d could share some advice to accompany his portrait. 

Q. “As we move into 2020 and based on your experience as a successful entrepreneur, what advice and/or insights would you share with other entrepreneurs?”

A. “I think finding mentors and surrounding yourself with people who you admire or have things to teach you is critical to long term success. I also think that as an entrepreneur, you can never stop learning. I like to spend at least 1 hour a day absorbing information from blogs, books, podcasts, and videos. That investment of just one hour a day, every day, adds up.”

Thanks so much Adrian!


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© Dwayne Brown Studio